Dr. Philip Stade works as a music teacher at the secondary school Schönau in the Black Forest, Germany. He wrote a doctoral thesis at the Cologne University of Music and Dance on online discourses between YouTube and the German collecting society GEMA. Currently, his music teaching and research interests are on future-making topics like democracy education, digitization and sustainability. He is experienced in participatory educational formats such as project work and barcamps fostering students’ empowerment. He regularly organises the latter in Freiburg across organisational boundaries. His music lessons follow democratic principles, which he presented at the EAS Conference 2021. In doing so, Philip Stade designs learning environments with digital media and music apps such as Garageband and MuseScore with a post-digital understanding, according to which he sees digitization as only one component of a broader transformation process of schools.
Dr. Stade will be research assistant in WP3 and will bring in his high expertise in school teaching as well as in music and digitization and democratic learning.
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